[Gaming] Overwatch (#boycottblizz)


Staff member
This has not been my experience playing Junkrat at all.
Most of the time everyone is fighting over who gets to be on the platform on the other side of the point.

This is the same guy who portrayed "The Roadhog Experience" as hooking someone from across 8 other maps, though, remember.
I honestly didn't know you could die by getting pinned between two Reinhardts. Hahahahha.
It actually depends on the two Reinhardts! Rein will squish an enemy up against ANY surface he can't pass through. This even includes squishing someone up against the "Do Not Enter" doorway from the enemy team's spawn area EVEN THOUGH the enemy player should be able to pass safely through.
So Red Rein v. Blue Rein? Whoever is between will die.
BUT Red v. Red or Blue v. Blue? They pass harmlessly through each other. See below:

[Lucio's] Alternate fire now considers vertical orientation when knocking back
Well, that explains some of why Lucioball behaved how it did.

Sometimes it's fun to watch the cancer eat itself.

I've been playing 6vRando but haven't drawn her yet.
I have to wonder what she'd be like Fortified and Supercharged while being boosted by Mercy and Nano-boosted by Ana.
At least Ana would be able to hit her giant behind with the boost dart.

That's my biggest beef with playing random 6. I'll die and switch off Tracer to Genji, for example, and then try to blink.
Or I'll get killed as Soldier and come back as Roadhog and then burn my hook as I try to sprint back to the battle.

That first one. Such stealth, such an absolute troll, and such a good example of why you always leave one person (or at the very least a turret!) at the point.

Also a Widowmaker who looks like she came straight out of Scrap Mechanic.

The only issue I have with Orisa is she does not really fill the role they want of her as an anchor tank, because she can't really move with her shield like Reinhardt can, so her ability to push with her team is a lot harder. Most just get impatient and leave her behind, defeating her purpose.

I think a good compromise is allow her to put down her shield anywhere with only a very small cooldown, but make it have to recharge like Reinhardts shield. This way she can dynamically adjust the shielded areas quickly but once the shield drops she gets more vulnerable as it has to recharge to a certain threshold before it lights up again, whether she throws it at a new position or not. This would allow her more room to push with her team quickly, but still keep her vulnerable to most flankers.
See I don't see her as a mobile tank, I see her move of a hold the choke point tank, that's where she excels at. On defense when holding a checkpoint she is amazing. Another spot where she does really good is payloads if you can plop the shield down on the payload.

Edit: with that being said though, I have main tanked with her many times in competitive and won (with the other tank being a Winston or something similar). The problem I mainly see is healers seem to see her more of dps than of tank so she isn't as high on the healing priority list as say a rein or dva. I've stood around at half health for a good 15 seconds before around healers (and being cover) waiting for heals and didn't get any until I eventually charged with the team and died (due to the half health thing) a few too many times
My new favorite thing to do is push towards enemy Reinhardts baiting them into using the rocket forward ability (can't remember the bame) and then fortify myself so they awkwardly just stop with then touch me and do 0 damage

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...aaaand the patch is in. Lúcio is now a greased pig.
Oh, and the Uprising Event is now live, with all its new skins 'n' stuff.
