[Gaming] Overwatch (#boycottblizz)

Took me a moment to get #16.
And #32 is so true, so many Moira players completely forget about the other orb.
I hate to admit it, but I am kind of one of them.

I blame the fact that I am just not very used to her control scheme. I always had huge issues with how the healing and damage felt "swapped" (left click heal, right click damage) so I changed it in the settings to make it easier for me to use, and since the orb follows whatever the main attack and heal are set with, it also switches those. I also set the orb "start" to my middle mouse button, which for 90% of my other heroes is a damage ability, so I end up hitting it then instinctively hitting left click for the damage orb.

With the Sym changes incoming I am considering making Moira a new support main alongside Lucio, so hopefully that will help me get better with it.
Hammond is amazing BTW. His way of moving around is just nothing like any other hero.
I haven’t seen any yet, but I’m waiting for the “Spider-Ham” video.
I mean, I’ve seen videos of people doing it (see below!), but none with the music.

A few other changes of note on the PTR.

Sombra has undergone a rework. She now has infinite stealth and her translocator has no time limit. She of course still loses stealth when attacking or doing an action. To counter this, they made her a bit slower (50% speed in stealth), made it so the translocator can now be destroyed, and made it so she can no longer contest while stealthed. They had a few other counter nerfs, like increasing the detect radius and made the translocator super loud and noticable, but when people pointed out the nerfs were way too strong to counter the infinite stealth buff, they reverted it back to the usual 2 meters and made the translocator quiet again. Some still consider it an overall nerf though just from the translocator change as it means you could be stuck without an escape if you try to place it anywhere near the enemies sphere of influence.

The other big changes is rebalancing of the "long range falloff" on a lot of heroes. McCree, Bastion, and Soldier now do much more damage as longer ranges, while Mei's icicle blast now has no damage falloff at all.
I’m actually surprised I haven’t seen any Rhino memes yet.
I’m sure there have to be some out there by now, I just haven’t seen any.

This is pretty much me during the reveal.

Watches Cinematic.

"Oh Ashe looks neat. I so want Bob though..."

Jeff "Who will be the next hero, maybe this guy, or this guy, how about BOB?!"

Me: "Yesssssssss"

Jeff: "Nah it's Ashe"

Me: "Awwwww"

Watches Trailer, it's Ashe with Bob as her ultimate.
