my parents just left on a 2 week vacation and I have washing machine questions

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you guys are all so smart, and adults who know this shit. I will be frank I am a spoiled, up until today I never needed to do my own laundry. I have NO idea how to even work a washing machine. my entire life my parents have done my laundry for me as long as I did the housework...I think I might be screwed!

just point me in the right direction and I should be able to stumble through it....

a thoroughly embarrassed Bones
lol, its easy man. Find where you put in the detergent, pour in the amount that fits into the lid or cup that comes with it, maybe even go a bit easy on it, just in case it's a high efficiency washer, dump in clothes (colors in one load, whites in one load, delicates in another) and press start. BOOM. Cheetos stains gone.

We believe in you bones. You can do this. You have my axe.


Staff member
No worries. First off, follow the directions on the detergent carefully. If it's concentrated don't use too much.

Dark colors wash in cold.
Light colors wash in warm.
Wash whites in hot water.

Step 1: Put in correct amount of detergent.
Step 2: Put clothes in based on above - dark, light or white. Do NOT mix darks in with light or whites as the colors might bleed and make your whites pink or some other lighter color.
Step 3: Turn it on.

You may want to put in softener but if you have dryer sheets you can skip this as it'll just add an unnecessary step.

When it's done, put the clothes in the dryer and repeat.
Put clothes in washer

Add detergent, maybe a third of the cap if it's liquid.

Set to cold water and turn it on.

Throw in dryer when done and add a dryer sheet and let that run for as long as it needs


Staff member
You can tell we've all had these questions. I had to ask mine when I joined the military.
its just embarrassing as hell to be 23 and have no idea how to work the washing machine. on a side note what the hell is a delicate?
Any ladies panties you might have stolen to wear because they feel so good and silky. :eyebrows:

Don't worry about that for now. Normal wash does the trick for all my stuff. Everything else is just razzmatazz.

Should we go over how to make grilled cheese?

haha, sorry guys my dear mama has a very complicated and heavy system of chemicals for getting my stuff like new....i didnt realize how easy it can be. which of course will lead to my next question in a few days of how an iron works.... :-P
I HATE doing laundry. At least since we moved to our new apartment that is on the freaking other side of the giant building from the laundry room. /lazy.
Now that Bones has the laundry figured out, we should refocus on the important thing: his parents are out of town.

Party at Bones' place! WOOOO!!!!

Philosopher B.


*Busts out the whipped cream and booze*

*Discards pants*
Honestly, you shouldn't need to iron anything unless you leave it laying around and don't fold it right away. Most of the time even then, a quick run through the dryer again will work. Also, as long as you aren't throwing anything red in the wash you don't even necessarily need to separate darks and lights, just wash them all in cold.

Wasabi Poptart

I'm so weird. I love going to the laudromat. I can't explain why. If I was cheaper and more convenient to do the laundry there, I wouldn't bother having a washer and dryer in the house.


Staff member
^That's what I do when I don't have enough for two loads, Dei. Saves me a little coin, and the clothes look just as clean.


Heh. Laundry has gotten a whole lot easier.

Basic rules
Separate your color and whites
Get one of those all in one washer/dryer sheet (one sheet per load) drop that in, turn on water (set to the proper setting)
lets say you want to do color.
I use cold water and turn out fine :) but you suppose to use warm water so turn knob to warm, turn the big knob to color washing (whatever it is call on your machine) drop one of those all in one sheet, and start it (pull the knob)
after the water fill a bit (require for those all in one sheet) then put your clothes in, close the lid and wait until it is done. Then move the load into the dryer (remember to clean out the lint catcher) and start drying (I usually use timer setting and dry for 70 minutes but it all depend on your fabric)

tada! all done ;)


Staff member
It's a pain-in-the-ass chore IMO, Bones... especially the folding... but it's also strangely satisfying. ^_^
I don't mind the washing but I hate folding/hanging which is why I don't bother to I just toss them in my dresser afterward :whistling:
Don't worry about being spoiled. Look, I have this friend who, well, I don't think she knows how to do the laundry. Allright, that's normal! (She's 23, just like you) But, see, she doesn't know how to cook either. She has never cooked anything that wasn't a pizza or pasta or a salad. Never! And she learned how to peel fruit just a year ago. Before that, her mom peeled and cut the fruit for her. Always! For years she has been taking her food to class, and she brought the fruit in a small tupperware (?), cut and peeled. Meat too (she brought it cut by her mom. when she sees it's not cut, she complains).

Besides, it's normal not to know how to do laundry! You are pretty normal.

I know this didn't have much to do with the thread, but I've always wanted to tell this story, and usually I can't because most people I know she knows, but they don't know this, and of course it'd be humiliating for her if I told them.
i just throw everything exept whites (dont own anything red) into the washing maschine,turn it to 30°C and bam! clean clothes. bedsheets,underwear and tshirts i wash at 60°C.


Staff member
Don't worry about being spoiled. Look, I have this friend who, well, I don't think she knows how to do the laundry. Allright, that's normal! (She's 23, just like you) But, see, she doesn't know how to cook either. She has never cooked anything that wasn't a pizza or pasta or a salad. Never! And she learned how to peel fruit just a year ago. Before that, her mom peeled and cut the fruit for her. Always! For years she has been taking her food to class, and she brought the fruit in a small tupperware (?), cut and peeled. Meat too (she brought it cut by her mom. when she sees it's not cut, she complains).

Besides, it's normal not to know how to do laundry! You are pretty normal.

I know this didn't have much to do with the thread, but I've always wanted to tell this story, and usually I can't because most people I know she knows, but they don't know this, and of course it'd be humiliating for her if I told them.
Wow, that's.... wow. Does she has some kind of disability?
Don't worry about being spoiled. Look, I have this friend who, well, I don't think she knows how to do the laundry. Allright, that's normal! (She's 23, just like you)
For a moment, I thought you were talking about me. But then I saw the "she" part. And the not knowing how to cook the simpliest of things, or being unable to peel fruit (I admit I'm not the best peeler, but...) or complaining because my mom hasn't cut my meat...

At least, is she hot?
Yes she's hot (dude, you know her).

No she doesn't have any kind of disability. She actually seems very independent and capable until you know her well... It's just that these things have always been done for her, and she doesn't bother to learn them if it's not completely necessary (and even then sometimes she doesn't, I think). I think that, in general, she gets easily overwhelmed by things/situations she doesn't know or hasn't planned for, because she hates doing the effort to confront them, so I guess it has something to do with this.
Don't worry about being spoiled. Look, I have this friend who, well, I don't think she knows how to do the laundry. Allright, that's normal! (She's 23, just like you) But, see, she doesn't know how to cook either. She has never cooked anything that wasn't a pizza or pasta or a salad. Never! And she learned how to peel fruit just a year ago. Before that, her mom peeled and cut the fruit for her. Always! For years she has been taking her food to class, and she brought the fruit in a small tupperware (?), cut and peeled. Meat too (she brought it cut by her mom. when she sees it's not cut, she complains).

Besides, it's normal not to know how to do laundry! You are pretty normal.

I know this didn't have much to do with the thread, but I've always wanted to tell this story, and usually I can't because most people I know she knows, but they don't know this, and of course it'd be humiliating for her if I told them.

Ok, so my cousin is, admittedly, a little slower than most people. I don't really know what she has, but I mean, she's not as fully capable as most people, but only by a small margin. My aunt and uncle refuse to let her do just about anything. She's something like 27 and can't drive, has never lived anywhere else, works part time and has to get dropped off and picked up etc. The thing is though, just by talking to her and interacting with her you can tell she's not actually incapable of doing the things her parents don't let her do. They coddle her and basically keep her convinced that she can't do this stuff so she doesn't even try. I'm fully confidant in her ability to learn to drive from home to work and back, but she doesn't want to because she's basically always been told she can't. My aunt and uncle are just soooo effin' over protective they've messed up two of their kids for life, and turned Greg into a right wing nutjob.
guys its not like I am an idiot, I am working on my second degree, I work full-time, I can cook, I can "man clean", its just I live with my folks and my mom is one of those awesome mothers that has a system for laundry in which anything I pull off the hanger looks like it came from a dry cleaner....its all neat, pressed, starched etc. I feel like such a tool, and for some reason in only a few hours it has already made it to my mother's ears and am now being smothered with, "just take your stuff to your aunties or your grandparents and they will take care of it for you." I FEEL LIKE A TOOL, I SHOULD BE ABLE TO DO THIS ALONE, I SHOULD BE ABLE TO TAKE CARE OF A 2000 sq foot home, with a 1/4 acre yard with just me and 2 small dogs that require only two things a day, a feeding and a walking. but now I feel like I am 15 again and my parents have to worry about how I am going to get along with out them for a few weeks. when they went last time mom did all my clothes so I didn't have to do any laundry while she was gone. this time she left earlier in the month and so when dad unexpectedly got time off he decided to go where she is today, I now dont have the luxury of not doing laundry. thus why I went to dave and the rest of you for help. I am to embarrased to ask anyone I know >_>...but now everyone found out <_< screwed


I really need to be less of a baby
I have a friend who was in his mid twenties and his mom still did his laundry and even went out and bought him fresh underwear when she noticed he needed some. But seriously you shouldn't feel embarrassed. It is just a skill that eventually everyone needs to learn and some learn it earlier than others.


Staff member
Psh, I don't think you're an idiot. My brother is about your age, and he still calls me for laundry and cooking advice. He made his own non-microwave eggs just this year. When we lived together and I'd be out of town, he would survive on raw almonds, toast, V8, and frozen veggie burgers. Smart as all get-out, but just couldn't do some things because he had never learned.
My daughter is four years old and I have already taught her how to do her laundry. She enjoys it, because it's a front loader so it's at her height level and something she can do with Mommy and Daddy. Not knowing how to do the basics of human life at 23 is pretty sad.


guys its not like I am an idiot, I am working on my second degree, I work full-time, I can cook, I can "man clean", its just I live with my folks and my mom is one of those awesome mothers that has a system for laundry in which anything I pull off the hanger looks like it came from a dry cleaner....its all neat, pressed, starched etc. I feel like such a tool, and for some reason in only a few hours it has already made it to my mother's ears and am now being smothered with, "just take your stuff to your aunties or your grandparents and they will take care of it for you." I FEEL LIKE A TOOL, I SHOULD BE ABLE TO DO THIS ALONE, I SHOULD BE ABLE TO TAKE CARE OF A 2000 sq foot home, with a 1/4 acre yard with just me and 2 small dogs that require only two things a day, a feeding and a walking. but now I feel like I am 15 again and my parents have to worry about how I am going to get along with out them for a few weeks. when they went last time mom did all my clothes so I didn't have to do any laundry while she was gone. this time she left earlier in the month and so when dad unexpectedly got time off he decided to go where she is today, I now dont have the luxury of not doing laundry. thus why I went to dave and the rest of you for help. I am to embarrased to ask anyone I know >_>...but now everyone found out <_< screwed


I really need to be less of a baby
whoa.. if you want to start starching AND ironing (to give that dry clean look) that is a little more advance. Starching is an art even I haven't perfected yet (yay for spray starch in a bottle) That is something that takes a lot of practice and feel for just enough to look awesome but not too much to look stiff. It is a trick and I consider it more advance laundry ;)

If you just want clean clothes is one thing, folding is the next step (and hanging) but starching....... that is a whole different ball game mate (at least that is what I think)
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