I need to revert a update in Windows Live Messenger

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Staff member
New Windows Live Messenger update and surprise! It sucks, they really made a effort to hide stuff this time.

Either way, I don't know/remember how I can revert a update to keep the previous version can anyone help?


Staff member
Yeah, the new version suuuuucks. I started it up after the update and it was this giant window taking up most of my screen. Why? They're trying to make it into a multi-purpose social networking tool. *Sigh* There's a tiny little button to change it back to compact mode. Took a while to find that, and it's not in any of the menus or options.

Sorry, I don't know how to change it back.


Staff member
^ I actually found that. I was in a initial panic because it was desplaying my real name, rather than my "nick name", but people that I am talking with on-line say that it is showing the same as before, despite the fact that I can't see it


... this is why I wait to see what bugs and glitches before I ever update Messenger.
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