[Brazelton] Death of a Douche.

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Apparently, at CPAC, Breitbart claimed he had damning videos of Obama's college years. It hasn't been released in the weeks since, probably due to being as existent as the Michelle Obama Whitey Tape or as factually accurate as the Shirley Sherrod Video or O'Keefe ACORN "Sting". Since he's now died before the video fell down the memory hole, there are nascent conspiracy theories that Obama had him killed to cover up the video. Long after the mainstream has stopped caring about Breitbart, his name will probably live on in conspiracy circles. The video, rather than falling down the memory hole as something that didn't exist, will become the new centerpiece of conspiracy theories as something that Obama thought was worth killing for. The cause of Breitbart's death will have the description "was ruled a", just like many entries on the Clinton Death List, to make the more gullible reader think there was some dishonesty on the part of the coroner.

Really, its the best legacy the man could have secured without giving his life to save a bus full of orphans, nuns, kittens, and puppies.
I hope I never become so jaded in politics to cheer the death of someone on the other side of the spectrum.
I hope I never become so jaded in politics to cheer the death of someone on the other side of the spectrum.
Hey, I'm not cheering it. He was a human being with friends and a family who died way too young. However, the man was an unrepentant partisan hack who contributed to honest people and organizations being dragged through the mud. Out of the three major news items that he broke, two were were at best dishonest and the third was catching a congressman cheating on his wife (which, while wrong, isn't criminal nor is it a corruption of his duties). He was a dishonest "journalist" who never took the social responsibility that position holds seriously.

It is a tragedy for his family and friends that he died so young, no one deserves to die at 43. However, the tragic occurrence of his death does not make him more honest in life. The world of journalism and political discourse has lost nothing of value in losing his voice.
I don't know much about this guy, I actually thought the essay DA linked to was pretty damn good and surprisingly nice.


Staff member
He was a horrible person who lied to further the cause of his political party, regardless of who his lies hurt. He had no regard for the truth, only what idiots would buy to further the power grab of the right.

Having said that, I feel sorry for his family. And while I'm not exactly celebrating his death, the world is a better place without him in it.


Staff member
This guy was.....I mean he was the worst of the worst. He's the example of the kind of guy that makes politics a complete and utter joke. I won't celebrate his death though, I've never felt that was cool, and hoping for opposition members to actually die is by far worse than what he brought to the table.

But man did he bring some bad stuff to the table.

Edit: Oh wow that update. Man he didn't just bring bad stuff at the table, it looks like he LEFT it there, forever to stink up the world. IN MEMORIUM I SALUTE YOU.

Someone link a clip of the Mr Horrible song by TMBG


Staff member
I would rather Obama had actually used a drone to murder this U.S. citizen than some dude riding in a jeep in the third world
You do realize that guys like him actually push moderates like myself to the left. He's probably done more for getting moderates to vote liberal than Keith Olberman.
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