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  1. infamousalix

    Whine like a baby, now with 500% more drama!

    This is a goodbye post. No I am not ending my life. I'm just saying goodbye to the forum. I don't feel comfortable being on here anymore. Honestly, I feel like my privacy was violated and no one did anything to stop that. You all are great people. I'm just not comfortable on here anymore...
  2. infamousalix

    Rant VIII: The Reckoning

    What the fuck did I do though? I didn't make one status or post until right fucking now. I left him. I gave him the reason why. If you want to say stuff about me then go ahead. Just don't use my name or my sons name. I don't care if you didn't use his name in a negative way, you still brought...
  3. infamousalix

    Rant VIII: The Reckoning

    I think you're all forgetting that I have an account on here.... Also, I do understand and I am sorry. I am truly sorry and I know you won't believe me and I can live with that. But seriously...why does all of this have to be online? Why does my name even have to be used? They all know it's me....
  4. infamousalix

    Whine like a baby, now with 500% more drama!

    That moment you have no idea if you're arguing with someone or not, but you don't wanna make the first move because you always do. People kinda suck
  5. infamousalix

    New Picture Thread

    I was bored so I got a new tattoo (about three days ago!!)
  6. infamousalix

    Rant VIII: The Reckoning

    It's quite possible that I did. Or the guys in my class were hit on the head with a hammer
  7. infamousalix

    Rant VIII: The Reckoning

    I swear to fuck, if someone tells me one more time today that embalming is "not a job for women" I'm gonna lose it
  8. infamousalix

    The EPIC WIN Thread 3: SON OF EPIC

    I now know what I want to do with my future....I want to either work in a funeral home or a morgue. I know that seems weird but I'm not squeemish and it interests me lol
  9. infamousalix

    The Awesome Videos Thread (with Extra Sauce!)

    Proud of you hun <3
  10. infamousalix

    The Awesome Videos Thread (with Extra Sauce!)

    We had some fun today. Nick got punched in the balls by Danny and sadly I didn't get it on tape. Maybe next time :P
  11. infamousalix

    Minor victory thread

    Less of a victory; there is hotsauce up my nose and it fucking burns
  12. infamousalix

    Minor victory thread

    First day of school today. Had two major panic attacks, got lost a few times, and had no idea what to do at lunch time. Then afterwards I went home took and cold bath and cried. But, I survived.
  13. infamousalix

    Rant VIII: The Reckoning

    And I'm done now. With everything.
  14. infamousalix

    Whine like a baby, now with 500% more drama!

    Whenever my mom hugs my son and says, "I'm really going to miss when you two are gone." I want to cry. Whenever my dad hugs my son and says "I love you both." I want to scream. I have to leave because the're kicking me out and they have the nerve to say that to me.
  15. infamousalix

    The EPIC WIN Thread 3: SON OF EPIC

    And queue the happy tears :')
  16. infamousalix

    The EPIC WIN Thread 3: SON OF EPIC

    Just won a beauty and cosmetic basket worth 300$ from Shoppers! I never win anything!
  17. infamousalix

    Whine like a baby, now with 500% more drama!

    While sitting in Starbucks browsing the internet and trying to think of what to write for my next story I've come to the realization that I don't actually have friends. Yes, I have a numerous amount of Facebook friends that I chat with, and I have my mom friends for playdates with our kids...
  18. infamousalix

    Pet Peeve rants.

    Nope lol just a cyst that doesn't harm him :) it also bothers me when people feel the need to share their own stories about someone they know with a cyst or f they have one. Like seriously people, no. Just no thanks.
  19. infamousalix

    Pet Peeve rants.

    When people see my sons cyst and immediately ask about, and after I explain what it is they always reply with "Oh god bless him" No. Just no. I hate it. It annoys me all to hell and I struggle to not snap at them.
  20. infamousalix

    New Picture Thread

    I wish the fox were real v.v