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  1. Telephius

    Random Video Game Crap

    Classic WoW will probably end up the way of Classic DaoC servers. A bunch of people playing them at the start thinking it will bring back their virgin MMO memories then down the line they will be ghost towns compared to the main servers because all the features, friends, sunk costs are on the...
  2. Telephius

    Funny Pictures Thread. It begins again

    I love super spicy! I like the uncomfortably hot stuff if I am in challenge mode ( waiver wings) but just like really spicy things when trying to enjoy food but too me really spicy is a tactile enjoyment. Some people like the feel of a really strong mint, I liked the warmth of a really spicy...
  3. Telephius

    Funny (political, religious) pictures

    ... am I supposed to know who is which??
  4. Telephius

    [TV] Winter HAS COME! - A Game of Thrones

    Yes, but put that through a Cersei thought process filter. She doesn't have the best critical thinking skills.
  5. Telephius

    What, no Pokemon Go thread?

    Just try and focus on killing the one pokemon at a time and leave battle so you can use all the pokemon you have that are good against it without having them get beat up by their possible counts after the fight. Also I am predicting that active defenders will go down once people start running...
  6. Telephius

    Funny (political, religious) pictures

    Well if you replace Republic with the word government in that comic I have the sudden urge to tell you the story of Darth Plagius the Wise.
  7. Telephius

    Canadian Politics

    Update on guy from Manitoba who did not get covered under insurance. Linky He is not only on the hook for 35,936.70 (U.S.) which was the medical flight. Sounds like the Health minister may still be looking into a way to cover that but unclear at this time.
  8. Telephius

    Funny Pictures Thread. It begins again

    So he could make the jump.
  9. Telephius

    [Gaming] Overwatch (#boycottblizz)

    Ana: "Reinhardt Reinhardt REINHARDT!" Reinhardt: "Hey that's my catchphrase!!"
  10. Telephius

    [Brazelton] HMV Canada

    Oh I know I work retail. Just I am more sad people are clearing their shelves with just the starter percentage considering there are better prices elsewhere
  11. Telephius

    [Brazelton] HMV Canada

    I work close to an HMV. They are only up to 20% on DVDs for their closing sale from last week's 10%. I figured I would see what the Game of Thrones seasons were going to cost. 20% off 40 bucks a season or I could get individual seasons on amazon for $29 or season 1-6 pack for $150 versus the...
  12. Telephius

    Funny (political, religious) pictures

    Don't worry I am sure this whole bathrobe thing is a cover up.
  13. Telephius

    The Super Dooper Canadian Thread (now with 47% more Canadian Bacon)

    Went to The Forks in Winnipeg today for some Crokicurling (Crokinole with curling rocks.) Then went and watched people play actual curling on the river.
  14. Telephius

    Canadian Politics

    I live in Manitoba. It is stupid that the deal won't cover the guys bills. :(
  15. Telephius

    Common knowledge things you learned late

    Depends if it is US English or British English.
  16. Telephius

    [Movies] Rogue One: The Thickening (SPOILER THREAD!)

    Agreed. Though I was little off put by the cover girl head fling he did when delivering his one liner. Would have been better if he had only moved his head a tiny but noticeable amount
  17. Telephius

    [TV] Westworld

    Westworld deserves the "Your doing the ting again rating"
  18. Telephius

    a Trump vs Clinton United States Presidential Election in 2016

    They could call it the Red October Surprise.
  19. Telephius

    Funny (political, religious) pictures

    Wait I am confused, so he does like to taste ass? :popcorn: