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  1. Rovewin

    [PC Game] Hearthstone (Practically Beta)

    I am loving the dungeon run mode right now. Some of the bosses can be kind of unfair if you are not preparing for them with your picks. The darkness is just wrecking me. I've beat it once but the other times I have fatigued it and then it board clears a couple turns it a row and I die before it...
  2. Rovewin

    [PC Game] Hearthstone (Practically Beta)

    Ok that is good to hear. I thought I was misremembering because I'm pretty sure I opened my last legendary at 83 packs and I finally got one yesterday at 127 after spending my gold relentlessly to try and get the pity timer so I could stop buying packs for this expansion.
  3. Rovewin

    [TV] Winter HAS COME! - A Game of Thrones

    I don't really care about Ed being in the scene as I didn't know who he was but what I'd say was wrong with the scene was it had no relevance this episode. For such a small forgettable scene like that, it would have been better for it to be in an episode where they show it early and then show...
  4. Rovewin

    [PC Game] Hearthstone (Practically Beta)

    Don't worry I'm just as bad :p Though my reasoning is more along the lines of but what if I open that legendary in the next pack. Then I laugh and remember that @Ravenpoe already opened them all. :(
  5. Rovewin

    [PC Game] Hearthstone (Practically Beta)

    The biggest one for all classes is antique healbot I think. They are going to have to introduce a new heal card in the upcoming expansion because so many control decks rely on them and I do not think earthen ring or refreshment vendor is going to be able to take that place when they are also...
  6. Rovewin

    [PC Game] Hearthstone (Practically Beta)

    What's hilarious is all these astral communion druids that you see. They lose all their cards so they can hero power a bunch but I've been playing saboteur so they can only play one hero power a turn or I just use my board clear and let them get stuck with one of the 3(?) hero powers that they...
  7. Rovewin

    [PC Game] Hearthstone (Practically Beta)

    Haha that is great. It seems like I only play against warlock. This one game there was not a present on his side of the board since turn 2 as he always killed his own. Soulfire, Shadowbolt, void terror, power overwhelming he wasted to get those gifts. That just meant that instead of 4 damage...
  8. Rovewin

    [PC Game] Hearthstone (Practically Beta)

    The Rafaam fight was so funny. I just tried it on heroic and I just decided to put every single draw card in the deck so his hand was always full. He never got any minions from his hero power and he fatigued himself when I still had 16 cards in mine (even after drawing 4 from the coldlight...
  9. Rovewin

    [PC Game] Hearthstone (Practically Beta)

    Nice. Along the same vine, questing adventurer also makes it a fairly easy win usually. I actually got mine to be up around 2o attack with all the low cost cards I picked. Though when it was managed to be played against me, I picked two earth shocks to counter that and his cobra. :p
  10. Rovewin

    [PC Game] Hearthstone (Practically Beta)

    The rng gods were against me during a few brawls today. One opponent played a turn 4 Doctor boom followed by a turn 5 Toshley followed by another round of Boom and Toshley. Then next game a mage got nerubian egg then kept picking activators like mad scientist and barron gedon. The coins can be...
  11. Rovewin

    [PC Game] Hearthstone (Practically Beta)

    Yeah Rag has been the winner in most of my matches. Nef needs to get his early aggression otherwise he just kind of stalls out at the end and has to get some good spells to finish rag off. So yeah what ravenpoe said, rng
  12. Rovewin

    [PC Game] Hearthstone (Practically Beta)

    I feel you. I had the win 3 games with priest quest, 15 tavern brawls later I finally had my fourth time getting to play as a priest and the guy didn't really seem to get that it was cooperative until I healed him directly over myself. It was that way for a couple of games where it didn't click...
  13. Rovewin

    [PC Game] Hearthstone (Practically Beta)

    I don't think the warsong/ patron combo was the problem. Making it easier to buff the frothing was the problem. Personally I think the warsong should have gone back to having an aura then make that aura give only minions with 3 or less attack charge. That way if you buffed anything higher then 3...
  14. Rovewin

    [PC Game] Hearthstone (Practically Beta)

    I think for the most part they are evenly matched. The inspire deck seems to win off tempo. So getting a 1, 2, 3 etc drop out there can win them the game but stopping and using the hero power before turn 5 can allow the jousting deck to make a come back. The jousting deck just has a much higher...
  15. Rovewin

    The Random Crap Thread 2: It Hits the Fan.

    That was fun. Though when I got superhuge, I had nowhere to go. I was trapped in the right corner surrounded by bombs. Then people kept trying to hit me with more of them. Congrats on getting number 1 for a time there.
  16. Rovewin

    [PC Game] Hearthstone (Practically Beta)

    I wish I was running into less druids. I was playing my dragon priest on the ladder for fun and 3 druids, 3 pallies, 1 demonlock, and 1 freeze mage. Each druid started out with a phenomenal turn 1 or 2. It was piloted shredder for 2 of them with the other being thurrisian turn 2. I never thought...
  17. Rovewin

    External Hard Drive

    I've actually had just the opposite. I went through 2 externals with their own power supply before getting a 'My Passport' which has been doing great. Lasted 4 years so far through numerous moves and tons of movies and music put on it. It was decently priced too compared to all the other...
  18. Rovewin

    [PC Game] Hearthstone (Practically Beta)

    @Ravenpoe Do you think you could add the battletags to the first post please. Make it easier for new players to find them. Yeah don't go disenchanting too many things. Just remember that if you have two normals of something and a gold card you can always disenchant the gold card for a lot of...
  19. Rovewin

    [PC Game] Hearthstone (Practically Beta)

    I was listening to that song most of the afternoon. That chu-chu-chu-chu chugga chugga is just so catchy. Oh man I love playing ridiculous decks. I saw someone mention dusting captain greenskin after reading someone playing mech shaman and then it hit me. Mech/Pirate Shaman. It is funny seeing...
  20. Rovewin

    [PC Game] Hearthstone (Practically Beta)

    Well the system does count the people who just play one game or those who only bother playing constructed to 20 making rank 19 top 50% of rank. The problem is that the ladder season is so short and basically gives no rewards. If you want to get to legend you have to play over a hundred games...