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  1. LordRendar

    [Rant] Minor Rant III: For a Few Hollers More

    I wouldn't have minded if she would have told me before i left home. But standing in the cold and being told i might have to wait 2+ hours till she arrives is not something i am willing to do, after I already told her the last time, that there are few things i dislike more then being stood up. I...
  2. LordRendar

    [Rant] Minor Rant III: For a Few Hollers More

    Had to end a 13 year friendship tonight. Had this friend who perpetually is late to things, an has flaked on me when we planned to hang out more times than i can remember. We were planning to meet tonight to get a drink and then go to a club, for which i bought the tickets. Was standing in front...
  3. LordRendar

    The I'm Drunk/Wasted/High thread part too drunk to count

    Made a ton of sushi at home, got high, ate the sushi on the couch, watching the Bear.
  4. LordRendar

    Video Game News and Miscellany

    My PS5 is a glorified dust magnet. Most games that I want to play, also release on PC (might take a year) which I prefer playing on. I use it mostly when friend are over to play couch coop, but even then, they prefer Mario Kart or Brawl on the Switch.
  5. LordRendar

    Whats for Dinner?

    As a celebration for getting into uni i had myself a 500g ribeye with potatoes, green asparagus and a redwine reduction. I am gonna sleep good tonight.
  6. LordRendar

    Minor victory thread

    I will be attending University starting Oktober. Pretty big step for me, since i just turned 39.
  7. LordRendar

    What are you playing?

    Thanks for the tip. The "better car handling" and "gripped up" mods, made driving tolerable.
  8. LordRendar

    What are you playing?

    I am trying to get back into Cyberpunk. But the handling of cars is just pissing me off. Why does it feel, like i am driving on ice?
  9. LordRendar

    The Random Crap Thread 2: It Hits the Fan.

    Just made a coffee frappucino with milk i bought ob friday. Put it directly into the fridge after buying it. It was spoiled. Didnt notice it, till i took the first sip. Had to directly vomit it out and now i got a stomachache.
  10. LordRendar

    The Tech Random Crap Thread

    So i swapped my AMD card with the 3070. Its pretty great. Once Human now runs on the highest setting, without stuttering. Tried Cyberpunk and it looks great.
  11. LordRendar

    The Tech Random Crap Thread

    Is the RTX 3700 still viable in 2024? I dont plan on playing more then 1440p and a friend is selling his for a 100€. He isnt a gamer and his card was inside a prebuild pc. He since switched to a laptop. Want to replace my 5700xt which is nonstop overheating and crashing my pc. I could replace...
  12. LordRendar

    The Random Crap Thread 2: It Hits the Fan.

    I am back from Bulgaria. Durres is such a nice small city with pretty beaches and good restaurants. Prices were very affordable too. Spent most of the day lying on the beach and swimming. Will visit again for sure. Loved sitting on some stone steps in the late afternoon, drinking a beer and...
  13. LordRendar

    The Random Crap Thread 2: It Hits the Fan.

    I am off to Albania tomorrow for vacation. 7 Days of beaches, nature hiking and good food. I will see you guys again next week.
  14. LordRendar

    [Comics] What Manga are you reading?

    Anyone reading The Greatest Estate Designer? It's freaking hilarious. One of the best Manhwa's out there (in my opinion).
  15. LordRendar

    The Random Crap Thread 2: It Hits the Fan.

    That's pretty dope. :)
  16. LordRendar

    Video Game News and Miscellany

    Helldivers trained us to coordinate. This backfired badly. If they dont take back this update (and knowing Sony, this wont happen), I will be refunding Helldivers. Also, telling us the reason to link to PSN is for security reasons is such a bullshit excuse. Sony is getting hacked on a regular...
  17. LordRendar

    Video Game News and Miscellany

    Helldivers just shot themselves in the foot. Forcing Steam users to link their Steam profile to a PSN account to be able to play. Problem is, PSN is only available in 69 countries. Guess you are shit out of luck if you aren't in one of those countries. Sure, you can probably register using a...
  18. LordRendar

    The Random Crap Thread 2: It Hits the Fan.

    Am meal prepping greek lemon chicken with potatoes and baked pesto salmon on carrots and string beans.
  19. LordRendar

    Video Game News and Miscellany

    Am exited. Am only at 270 hours at 7 Days to Die, but the mods can only take it so far to hold my interest.