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  1. Squidleybits

    What are you playing?

    Have any of you tried it on Steam Deck?
  2. Squidleybits

    Whine like a baby, now with 500% more drama!

    No gifts at my work either. I will gift myself sushi tomorrow at the office. I found a place near my office with great sushi and they sometimes put fancy drink umbrellas on the sushi.
  3. Squidleybits

    What are you playing?

    I’m enjoying a different new game this week. Once I learned that I could dress up my cat buddy, I was in!
  4. Squidleybits

    Whats for Dinner?

  5. Squidleybits

    Whats for Dinner?

    I’m trying a few variations of a recipe my boss shared with me: sweet potato pie (ricotta and brown sugar) rainbow carrot pie (arugula pesto and random spice mix) They’re baking and I’m hungry.
  6. Squidleybits

    Games on SALE!

    I may need this bundle. I already have Fae Farm though.
  7. Squidleybits

    The Lego appreciation thread

    I need to find these!!
  8. Squidleybits

    Minor victory thread

    It’s a beast that also works as a battery back up.
  9. Squidleybits

    [Gaming] Diablo IV (this time we get horses)

    I got the expansion and have a level 60 Spiritborn at about 230 paragon seasonal character. The campaign is a lot of fun. I’ve enjoyed the seasons. I usually play summoner necromancer, but the new class is really good at killing huge rooms full of stuff.
  10. Squidleybits

    Funny videos

    I think the link may be broken?
  11. Squidleybits

    The Random Crap Thread 2: It Hits the Fan.

    I was promised discretion.
  12. Squidleybits

    Whine like a baby, now with 500% more drama!

    I definitely don’t feel like an adult. I try to act relatively mature when I’m at work dealing with people outside my team, but that’s it.
  13. Squidleybits

    New PETure Thread (aka: Pet Pic Thead)

    Halloween pictures. Our mane man Butterball: It was Coconut all Along:
  14. Squidleybits

    Three Good Things About Your Day

    This is for yesterday, Sunday Nov 10. I fell asleep when I got home :) 1) Butterball and I had a wonderful time volunteering. He adores the ladies at the seniors home we go to and there are some of them that he jumps right over to them and cuddles them and gives them kisses. We had an extra...
  15. Squidleybits

    Rant VIII: The Reckoning

    I was so happy to see him and gave him a huge hug and he looked at me like I had three heads. He didn’t get it at all.
  16. Squidleybits

    Rant VIII: The Reckoning

    No, our kid decided to not communicate a significant change in plans and didn’t bring their phone to school so we couldn’t reach them.
  17. Squidleybits

    What are you playing?

    More Diablo 4 after a short break for a farming game. I beat Lilith solo which I hadn’t been able to do since the campaign. I’m farming runes and may be able to make my first purple item soon. Hopefully :) Spiritborn is so much fun!
  18. Squidleybits

    Three Good Things About Your Day

    My list for today: 1) Everyone in our family Is where they are meant to be and safe, even if they didn’t communicate that to us all day. 2) Our kitten had his surgery to get fixed and is doing well. He was sent home with meat flavoured pain meds with a lot less hassle than I have getting my...
  19. Squidleybits

    Rant VIII: The Reckoning

    Not our kitten as he was fixed today. One of our kids had an alarming lack of consideration for us today and decided to not communicate plans. Everyone is ok, but it was alarming for sure.
  20. Squidleybits

    What are you playing?

    Diablo 4. I’m loving the new class and the changes they’ve made to the game…and riding cats into battle of course!