Search results

  1. Dirona

    What are you playing?

    Legend of Zelda: echoes of wisdom As said above, it's a puzzle game. Arguably an action puzzle game. It's taken me a bit to get into, but I am enjoying it. No comment yet on the quality of the main quest, as I've avoided it in favour of running around the overworld. I like the fast travel...
  2. Dirona

    [Brazelton] Dame Maggie Smith

    Well... Fuck. She's been a long time favourite.
  3. Dirona

    Minor victory thread

    Yesterday we had the contract negotiation meeting, so the interview must have gone well enough. The search lead is "thrilled" with the agreement we came to, which means I should have asked for more - dammit! - but, at least things are moving forward. Now the Board has to vote on the contract...
  4. Dirona

    "What are you reading?" thread.

    I wish I had a suggestion! I've never come across anything quite like The Expanse in terms of scale or character.
  5. Dirona

    The Random Crap Thread 2: It Hits the Fan.

    Welp, that step is over. If that was a 'rubber stamp' interview, I don't want to know what the real thing would have been like!! Sheesh. Now we wait.
  6. Dirona

    The Random Crap Thread 2: It Hits the Fan.

    I interview for the job I'm already doing in about 15 mins. I'm sitting in the parking lot shaking. This feels like one more chance to fuck it all up, and I really don't want to fuck it up. I like this job. Arg!
  7. Dirona

    Canadian Politics

    The federal NDP will no longer prop up the Liberals. Link Feels like weird timing, but what do I know?
  8. Dirona

    Candlekeep Mysteries, or Mittens the Mighty Mauls a Missive.

    I LOVE that rainbow dragon scale mail shirt!
  9. Dirona

    Whine like a baby, now with 500% more drama!

    I will absolutely try this! I figured there had to be a way. Thank you!!!!
  10. Dirona

    Whine like a baby, now with 500% more drama!

    Ug. I clicked on a bullshit book on Amazon, and now my recommendations are filled with right-wing conspiracy theory bullcrap. From now on, we browse in incognito mode apparently.
  11. Dirona

    Whine like a baby, now with 500% more drama!

    I got to watch someone die yesterday afternoon. They went surrounded by loved ones. But it still sucked. Parents shouldn't have to bury their kids.
  12. Dirona

    New PETure Thread (aka: Pet Pic Thead)

    Are those extra toe beans I spy?
  13. Dirona

    New PETure Thread (aka: Pet Pic Thead)

    Alia is suspicious of this new white beast.... Pandora, meanwhile, is spooked!
  14. Dirona

    The Random Crap Thread 2: It Hits the Fan.

    Where I work at is heavily rented out for 6 weeks to a kids musical theatre-ish camp. Last week was Barbie week (which I missed cuz I was sick), this week is Taylor Swift week (next week is superheroes I think, not sure about the last two weeks). Age ranges are probably... 5-9 years old...
  15. Dirona

    Olympic Games 2024

    Handball - like kayak cross, it is certainly a sport.
  16. Dirona

    Funny (political, religious) pictures

    I am genuinely unsure if this is hilarious or infuriating or just really sad.
  17. Dirona

    Funny Pictures Thread. It begins again

    He certainly didn't, but he may have made a peon do it.
  18. Dirona

    Olympic Games 2024

    Artistic swimming (prev: synchronized swimming), teams: this sport has come a long way in terms of difficulty and well, synchronisation, since I learned. It's so much smoother than it used to be.
  19. Dirona

    Olympic Games 2024

    Kayak cross: that is certainly a sport.
  20. Dirona

    New PETure Thread (aka: Pet Pic Thead)

    Poor Alley-cat, everything is too bright.