Huge dump of wallpapers (some are NSFW)

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Great stuff Hylian. I stole some too ;)

My WP folder is just too huge to think about uploading. I love random wallpapers popping up every 10mins.


Staff member
Had to check to see what mine was. I never really bother with it since it's covered 99.9% of the time.


Staff member
I'm having an internal debate about whether that Game of Thrones sun-thing that Dirona has in her desktop would be classified as a heliodon or an astrolabe.
I have several of Trey Ratcliff's photos in a rotation, but there sure are no complaints when this one comes up:

(I use a larger version, but I think it's too large to upload)
I'm having an internal debate about whether that Game of Thrones sun-thing that Dirona has in her desktop would be classified as a heliodon or an astrolabe.
I've heard this pic specifically referred to as an astrolab, so I'm sticking with that.


Staff member
Thing is I had to look REALLY hard for an astrolabe that resembled it. Most of the astrolabes you find on GIS look like this:
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