[Question] The United States of Halforums (Presidential Election?)

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The problem we face is that the GM that was running said "election" apparently did not follow us over to HF. :(


Staff member
And it doesn't matter who you vote for, the Gas Bandit will forever run amok.

Well, until I get old, then I'll hobble, or wheel amok.
I did mention that this was the presidency of the United States of Halforums. NOT of America.

Voting requirements, last we checked, was citizenship in Halforums. Which, if you're able to create a new thread, is the requirement.

Candidacy is another thing, though. Don't think we've checked up on age limits.
Right now it's me. Amy is the incumbent, but she hasn't announced whether she's running for a second term; Sera hasn't said if she was going to run for the Prez spot.

And I'm still figuring out how we can do this...
Contrary to some ultranationalist, isolationist fringe elements, I do believe as a forumite you are entitled to vote, no matter your country of origin.
In that case I'll cast my vote for whoever is willing to nominate themselves for PRIME MINISTER of Halforums, and shun this USA politcs overtone.

(Come on, let us Canadians vote for a good Prime Minister. We've forgotten what that's like.)
I just want to go on the record that I have no intention of running for Prime Minister, because that would mean I would have to become a minister first.

And most ministers I know would avoid this place like the plague.
I just want to go on the record that I have no intention of running for Prime Minister, because that would mean I would have to become a minister first.

And most ministers I know would avoid this place like the plague.
Great, now I can't get the image of a preaching Optimus Prime out of my noggin.


Staff member
uhm, I believe I've stated multiple times I would run for election, then run this place with a fucking iron fist.
I'm honestly not sure how anyone can consider voting for anyone other than Airwolf. Airwolf would make an amazing president and I for one won't let this great opportunity to pass us by.

Airwolf people.


Also, I think I found a good running mate for Airwolf:


And I had all these inspirational recruitment posters ready for the cause...

The Announcer

oh hey, a gimic poster, been a while
Is this really the return of the gimmick poster??

Will our president ever return to claim their rightful place atop the pile of horrible threads littering our once prosperous nation??

Does anyone even remember me??

Will Mr. Burns succeed in taking over Springfield and disposing of Radioactive Man once and for all??

...Find out next time, in our exciting conclusion:

"Fail to the Chief" or "For Whom the Bell Polls!"
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