Comments from +/- Rep Notifications

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Wasabi Poptart

Thread: Anyone remember this?
It's a fnuckin tater, lay off the hooch!

Did you send a different message, or no message? Maybe Dave made a default message to be shown if someone doesn't put in a comment.

OR, more than one person gave rep for Allen's C-bass thing. :p
No, I haven't sent rep without a message. I find it's the best place to be funny. Without being passive aggressive, of course.

Hell, most of the time I don't care if the recipient gets the joke :)
06-19-2010 05:27 AMThread: Good Cosplay Thread -...
+ For not being a totally ungrateful bastard. -- That's gotta be from FigPez, since I thanked him for including more PowerGirl cosplay in that thread. I appreciated it. :D

.06-18-2010 08:42 PMThread: Comments from +/- Rep...
+1 for the lulz -- Don't know.

.06-18-2010 04:30 PMThread: Totally didn't go back...
- nice tits -- Fucking classy, Chaz.

.06-18-2010 12:23 AMThread: Comments from +/- Rep...
+ Fuck you, you fucking fuck! -- Heh, I've heard that one before.

.06-17-2010 11:00 PMThread: Comments from +/- Rep...
+ a few more

.06-17-2010 10:31 PMThread: Comments from +/- Rep...
+ A for effort

.06-17-2010 10:29 PMThread: Comments from +/- Rep...
+ I want you....INSIDE me @.@ -- Another VG Cats reference.


Staff member
"I consider your body a wonderland."

...That's because I only post pictures from the chest up, dummy. Stay away from my rabbithole!
Wait are you implying that nothing could make Hot Fuzz funny or that it's already as funny as something can be?

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