Former President Trump Thread

Long term, that will definitely be found unconstitutional if he tries it. There's no such thing as freedom of speech on a privately owned platform. That said, they didn't stop him from saying whatever he wanted, they just called him out on his shit, which is also their right, and the constitution literally forbids the government from restricting said speech.
Strangely enough, yesterday (Wed) was also the day the DC appeals court dismissed a lawsuit filed all the way back in 2018 by "Freedom Watch" (the same people who are trying to sue China for $20 trillion in damages over COVID-19) alleging that tech companies (specifically Apple, Facebook, Google, and Twitter) violated the First Amendment when they "...engaged in a conspiracy to intentionally and willfully suppress politically conservative content. "

The ruling stated that: "The Plaintiffs do not show how the Platforms’ alleged conduct may fairly be treated as actions taken by the government itself," which is a fancy way of saying that companies cannot violate the First Amendment [on their respective platforms], because banning users [from platforms they own] doesn’t constitute government abridgment of free speech.

The ink is barely dry, yet I have a feeling the precedent it sets will be used to turn any expected Executive Order into Swiss cheese.

Strangely enough, yesterday (Wed) was also the day the DC appeals court dismissed a lawsuit filed all the way back in 2018 by "Freedom Watch" (the same people who are trying to sue China for $20 trillion in damages over COVID-19) alleging that tech companies (specifically Apple, Facebook, Google, and Twitter) violated the First Amendment when they "...engaged in a conspiracy to intentionally and willfully suppress politically conservative content. "

The ruling stated that: "The Plaintiffs do not show how the Platforms’ alleged conduct may fairly be treated as actions taken by the government itself," which is a fancy way of saying that companies cannot violate the First Amendment [on their respective platforms], because banning users [from platforms they own] doesn’t constitute government abridgment of free speech.

The ink is barely dry, yet I have a feeling the precedent it sets will be used to turn any expected Executive Order into Swiss cheese.

Depends on which Trump and McConnell hand-picked judges get to hear the case.
"You can't have mail in voting because teenagers will break into the mailboxes and steal all the ballots."

Some one needs to do some form of list for the dumbest things this chum bucket says.
Some one needs to do some form of list for the dumbest things this chum bucket says.
It's called "Twitter."
It's ALWAYS the right that does these. Every time!
You're not wrong. Number of verifiable voter fraud cases over the last twenty years? 44. And I don't mean forty-four million, or forty-four thousand, I mean forty-four. That's XLIV for you older folks. That's a single instance of voter fraud about once every twenty-four weeks.

Buy popcorn stocks! Twitter just hid one of cheetos tweets for glorifying violence!
Since Twitter did this, someone in the administration just copied and pasted the text and retweeted it from the official White House account, because there’s no way after the Executive Order yesterday that Twitter would have the audacity to hide a mes- ope

Is there anyone who can even attempt to explain half of what Trump announced today, other than as a "oh shit we need to point people in any other direction than the interior for the moment"?
I mean, his decision just plain don't make sense. Even more so than usual. China is hurting Hong Kong's freedoms so you're...imposing harsh measures on Hong Kong?
> Pulling out of the WHO
> New sanctions against Hong Kong
> New sanctions against China
> Nothing at all about police brutality or looting and pillaging
> Nothing at all about Corona
> Nothing about your economy.

Is he hoping people will once again rally around the flag to face the Evil Chinese Empire? Corona is a deliberate attack from China, let's start WW3 to distract people? I'm even more at a loss than usual.
Even more so than usual. China is hurting Hong Kong's freedoms so you're...imposing harsh measures on Hong Kong?
From what I've read, the mainland Chinese use Hong Kong a lot as a way to get around a lot of restrictions they face that Hong Kong doesn't and everyone just kinda lets them do it. By saying that Hong Kong now has the same restrictions as the mainland, that's a big blow to China. Theoretically providing a financial incentive to back off.
Is he calling for armed confrontation of protesters tonight? Is that what the President of the goddamn country is doing here?


Staff member
So will the White House be providing the ammo and white hoods or do you have to bring your own? Asking for a friend.
Is he calling for armed confrontation of protesters tonight? Is that what the President of the goddamn country is doing here?
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The funny thing is, his phrasing lines up perfectly with @Frank 's post in the other thread about hate groups infiltrating the protests and causing the damage, but there's no way he would have said it if he realized that. He might offend some "very fine people".
Guys, remember when Trump tried to deflect from protests and Covid-19 by starting a feud with Twitter and going all in on China. Oh, that was only like 4 days ago.