Random Video Game Crap

After watching a couple of people play, I've had the randomizer whip me up a seed, and it's been crazy fun. I'm nearing the endgame, and all five of my party members are wearing Adamant armor (found in 5 different chests scattered throughout the game). The settings I chose are so broken, but I'm having a blast.

The amount and type of randomization is highly customizable. Regardless of what settings you choose, you start with a Free Enterprise (the name of the mod), and can travel much of the world. From there you can choose to have a mostly linear progression through the locations of the original, with characters and bosses randomized or not (bosses always get scaled to be the same level as the one they're replacing), but with mostly area appropriate gear; or make it so that high end loot is randomly distributed through the world, or even have randomized shops with free items (including items not usually in shops, like the Adamant armor and Crystal sword). Key items can be left in their usual spots to force a more linear progression, or randomly distributed in a number of different ways..

You can reduce random encounters, put them on a toggle in the menu, or disable them all together and make leveling done only by facing bosses. You can change how exp gain works. You can turn off glitches that are used in speed running. Even replace the Zeromus sprite with random other sprites (like Glados or Darth Vader).

If you're a fan of Final Fantasy IV (FF2 US), then I highly recommend it. @ThatNickGuy you're a fan, right?
Huge fan. But I don't know. It's a neat concept, but the things I love about FFIV don't really apply here. The story progression, the character development, the fact that the story keeps switching up the characters so you have to rethink strategies. The idea of making it all random kind of takes away the magic for me.
Finished reading Console Wars tonight. It was okay, overall, but it went on way too long. WAY too many made up conversations between people that made it drag. I kept going, "Yeah yeah, just get to the story about the game..."

Though I think it's interesting how quickly Sega fell. Seems a lot of it was Sega of America clashing with Sega of Japan (who still had final say on everything). And shoving add-ons like the Sega CD and making people buy those to play new games. And then rushing the Saturn before it was even close to really being ready. Getting trounced by the PS1 didn't help.

But it's extraordinary how quickly they fell. They went from beating Nintendo in the market share to dropping substantially within only a year or two.

As I was finishing it, all I could think was, "Jesus, Sega was the flashiest flash in the pan."
They basically flooded the market with a bunch of peripherals that for the most part didn't work as well. Like an "infra-red body sensor" for fighting games, a light gun with binoculars on it, etc.
I convinced my parents to buy me a 32X, that ugly T you could shove onto the top of your Genesis like the Sonic & Knuckles cartridge, so I could play Doom. Then they were divorced. I'm not saying Sega's 32X caused my parents' divorce, but it looks pretty suspicious. :awesome:


Staff member
This is really hit and miss, with some of the misses being painfully bad, but it's Final Fantasy 4, so I found it worth it:

I'm okay with the change for Samus; she looks like she runs around in god damn power armor for days at a time now. She's basically a god damn Space Marine from 40k anyway; she's been genetically modified by the Chozo to make her faster and stronger than any human so she could survive on the Chozo homeworld and so she could interface with their technology without a problem.
They no longer have to deal with Kojima pounding on a desk and expounding on the importance of every cubic centimeter of Snake's buttocks being on screen.
I want there to be voice chat for Smash Bros, at least between people who have exchanged archaic friend codes.
We'll get voice chat When the sun rises in the west and sets in the east. When the seas go dry and mountains blow in the wind like leaves.

When we finally get Waluigi as a playable character.