Funny Pictures Thread. It begins again

The only person I ever encountered who claimed that "y'all" was a singular term, with the plural being "all y'all" no less, was a British ex-pat who lived in Texas. I always wondered if that was a Texas thing or just that all the Texans were playing a practical joke on him.


Staff member
Season 3 is taking too long. The fanbase is starting to crack up. They've started analyzing the floor material in every scene of every episode. Here's season ONE.



Staff member
Why would a pirate have their nails done to run a half marathon?

It wasn't actually parked at the nail salon, it was parked at the grocery store. I took the picture from across the row, so the nail salon at the other end of the shopping center is in the background.

Plus, if the pirate already has the sticker, they've already run the half marathon, right? So it would be more like they were getting their nails done AFTER running the 5k.


Staff member
At the risk of undermining my own joke, there's also the fact that "down" on the death star doesn't point to the core... the decks are all parallel and north is up.


Well, 5/2 Pi

A) yes, this place is boring because there's no-one here because you're all suffering from excessive turkey, so I'm crossposting from Facebook.
B) No, I really can't figure out how to properly use nested and 'changing' spoiler tags anymore -_-
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