No mention of Fine Brothers here?

Even after their 'apology', they're still losing subscribers at the rate of between 1-2 per second.
They could lose another 100K before the day is out.
Even after their 'apology', they're still losing subscribers at the rate of between 1-2 per second.
They could lose another 100K before the day is out.
Some genies you just can't put back into the bottle.

Well, at least until the internet collectively forgets, which will happen.
The loss is finally starting to level off. 20 per minute or so instead of the 60-100 of yesterday.
They haven't quite lost 400K subscribers (378K as of this morning). I'm not sure that they will unless they stir up the hornets nest again.
something happened a couple hours ago to make the rate of unsubs increase again. Dunno what.

Was about 10 per minute this morning. It was over 60 again last I checked. They're at 425K lost.