[Rant] Minor Rant III: For a Few Hollers More

Yeah, as I understand it the difference between vegetarian and vegan is the latter means no animal products whatsoever, including all that stuff Ravenpoe just said.
There are some people who treat "Vegetarian" to simply mean "no meat," which makes eggs/cheese and the like OK, but some also consider fish to be ok ("Pescetarian").
Veganism, however, is not merely about what you eat, but more about what you consume. This means no leather products (comes from animals), no honey (comes from bees), no refined white sugar (which gets filtered through carbon derived from burned cattle bones), or basically anything which involved inconveniencing any sort of animal which possesses a central nervous system.

I wouldn't worry about it. He's by definition more likely to be an expert than you, let him guide you.

I am so, so very angry right now. So very angry. At some co-workers of mine. For costing me my weekend this weekend. Instead of a nice, relaxing weekend right before the final push to a sickeningly massive software launch next Friday, I now have to work at least all day Saturday, and possibly all day Sunday as well, because they couldn't follow one extremely simple rule: If the (current) software throws an error message, do not exit out, do not <command to get back to a menu>, call IT. They ran into the same error at least 8 times, and kept exiting out, and now I have to reconstruct 3 days of receiving and two days of issuing, based on a report full of bullshit and packing slips. They have now been instructed by their boss that if they EVER do anything other than raising their hands, backing away from the computer, and calling IT if they EVER experience an error in any software at work, they lose their software privileges, and possibly their jobs.
Fortunately, it didn't take as long to fix as we thought it would. Unfortunately, that was because quite a bit of it was unrecoverable. But the GL is ok, and the lotted inventory is ok, so we're just going to ignore it for the next week until we're ready to bring the new system on-line and then we're going to do a full inventory and start from scratch. But the fuckers that fucked this up have now fucked themselves into doing a full fucking inventory, so that should be fun.
My $^%^&@! children borrowed my waterproof camera and took it out of its case. There was a fingerprint on the lens....... All of my ^&%$@! pictures from on the water this weekend were crap. Including one of a loon and her baby at close range. $%&^!#@@@!!!!!


Staff member
My $^%^&@! children borrowed my waterproof camera and took it out of its case. There was a fingerprint on the lens....... All of my ^&%$@! pictures from on the water this weekend were crap. Including one of a loon and her baby at close range. $%&^!#@@@!!!!!
This is why parents grow hickory trees out back.
Had an ugly but necessary talk with my girlfriend last night. Is it possible to be both happy that we talked about an issue and got it out in the open, and simultaneously sad about it too? Because I think that's how I feel. I'm not sure yet, still processing, but... yeah.
Actually, the results say people care about looks, meaning be damned.
It actually goes on to say that woman enjoyed their dates with less attractive men more because the attractive men had a tendency to be assholes, while the less attractive ones actually had to build a pleasing personality.


Staff member
It actually goes on to say that woman enjoyed their dates with less attractive men more because the attractive men had a tendency to be assholes, while the less attractive ones actually had to build a pleasing personality.
That's true. And it bears out by "love is blind day" showing that the longer the system put off showing pictures of the people involved to each other, the more likely the conversation would continue.
I'm happy my company's doing so well. I honestly am. We're in a pretty competitive industry, with only a moderately sized market at best, and for us to be getting booming business week after week, month after month, is cause for celebration.

But god damn this is a lot of work.
Life Pro Tip : If the area behind the closed door is large enough to house a human being, fucking knock before you open the door!!!!!!!


Staff member
I'm not in a depression right now, but I'm aware that I have very little to do. Most nights I have trouble sleeping (I'll try to go to bed at 11pm so I can get up at a decent hour, but I wake up at like 2am, can't sleep for three hours, then wake up at 2pm.) Today I made a big effort to make sure I got up at 10am. I woke up, got the lights on, etc. But then realized... I have nothing to do. At all. Until like 4pm. So I sat there thinking for a bit if there was anything productive I could do, and no. There wasn't. So I went back to sleep. And I got up at 2 again. I'm going to a workout session at 4, and after that I'm heading out of town to pick up a wedding present and visit a friend, but beyond that, I typically have nothing to do in a day. It's starting to get to me. I applied to some jobs, but nothing yet. That one place hasn't called like they said, so I called them and left a message, but still nothing. So who knows. *shrug*
We are having the hottest week since 1870.

I am breast feeding the baby.

Thank goodness there is an Australian website on how to breast feed in the heat but, Jesus Murphy, this is getting to a bit much. Newfoundlanders may complain of the rain and fog and cold...but we are NOT made for this heat.
Why yes Facebook, I know I'm not FB friends with the ex that cheated on me, then dumped me. There's a reason for that. Stop asking. Also, big ups for making sure I know when friends that know her like her fucking Twitch.tv page. That's the shit I love to see when I'm sitting around, bored and lonely.

Why yes Facebook, I know I'm not FB friends with the ex that cheated on me, then dumped me. There's a reason for that. Stop asking. Also, big ups for making sure I know when friends that know her like her fucking Twitch.tv page. That's the shit I love to see when I'm sitting around, bored and lonely.

BLOOOOOOOOOOCK HER. Makes a world of difference.
BLOOOOOOOOOOCK HER. Makes a world of difference.
Oh I did, no worries. the rare "mutual friend" sidebar didn't bug me much, but having a video she posted on the Twtich page (a friend we both know liked it or something I guess) right smack in the middle of my news feed wasn't cool.
No, sis, I don't actually feel like driving 2 1/2 hours through heavy traffic and construction zones to Jersey City, then taking the light rail, then walking dozens of blocks through Manhattan to eat lunch at a restaurant with food that sounds somewhat revolting before visiting a museum I have no interest in ever seeing, then taking the light rail back, and trying to drive home through Friday night traffic on the Turnpike, in the middle of August. Oh, that's what you had planned for my birthday? Awesome.
Oh I did, no worries. the rare "mutual friend" sidebar didn't bug me much, but having a video she posted on the Twtich page (a friend we both know liked it or something I guess) right smack in the middle of my news feed wasn't cool.
Facebook must be doing more experiments again.

...I wish I could laugh about that.
This is our busiest season at work, since so much of our work is for schools which, inevitably, all come back from summer vacation within two weeks of each other, and it's getting to be pretty damn close to that time. Most of the year the schedule can fluctuate like... something that fluctuates a lot, I don't know. This time of year though? This time of year it's "throw the schedule at the wall, see what sticks, and try to get materials in quickly enough to keep the shop running." Today we didn't do so well, and had to shut the shop down 2 hours early because we ran out of multiple things we need in order to build cabinets. And, while I have a paper trail that shows that I did everything I could to get the materials in on time, and that it was the failure of two other departments to do their jobs that killed us today, I really, really hate the idea of having to send people home early (without pay) because I couldn't get materials in fast enough. Luckily, today we had plenty of busy work that needed to get done because it was month-end, so that didn't happen.
Was getting to bed too late as usual last night, went in the bathroom one last time after 1:00 AM, and heard a weird noise from outside. I went to check on Hermes, our last rat. Seems he had a heart attack. I tried to get him going again; his nerves were still firing enough to keep his back legs kicking. Didn't do any good though. I had to wake up my wife because she gets up in the morning before me and I didn't want her finding out just before work. She takes sleep aids though, so she could only be up briefly. It fell to me to get a box together for having him cremated, and while doing that I was okay. I was teary-eyed, but handling it. He had been perfectly fine yesterday, and we were laughing about how much he loved running around with walnuts.

But when I got done with that and was ready to finally go to bed, I looked over at what else I have to do at some point. The cage has been in constant use since 2010 with one rat or another and needs to be taken care of. I have to take apart the play area on the couch. I just started sobbing. I haven't cried that hard in almost 15 years, since my brother died.

I was going to put this in the main Rant thread, but I saw what was going on and it didn't feel right. But actually, it relates to another point that this emphasizes. I'm fucking heartbroken over an animal I knew would only live two years average. This is one of the reasons I don't want a kid. I saw how losing a child destroyed my mother. Her drinking problem has gotten to the point that I said goodbye to her years ago. We still talk, but I know it's only a matter of time before we can't. She is killing herself, slowly. And honestly, I can't say I wouldn't be just as fucked up or worse in her position. If I get this attached to my rats and handle it this bad when they go, I'm pretty sure if I lost a kid that would be it for me.

Really don't wanna go to work today, but as some might have noticed from how I wouldn't stop pestering the board yesterday, I was off yesterday, so I really can't take an impromptu leave, especially after my evaluation on Wednesday targeted unexplained absences (the fucking few I ever fucking have, but whatever). We're going to pick up Loki's ashes from the vet on Saturday; I didn't expect we'd be bringing his brother to have the same treatment.
While trying not to sound insensitive, could I suggest perhaps trying an animal with a little bit longer lifespan?
Two rants.

1) The other day I was out with baby at Value Village. She was a tad slumped in her seat but the doctor told me those things that hold their heads up are dangerous and it doesn't hurt her neck anyways. So, I'm looking at the books when I hear "How many weeks?" From somewhere behind me. It took a moment to realize I as the one being spoken too as I didn't even see the woman.

I begin to stammer out an answer, kind of anxious because this lady was WAY in my personal space and had taken me off guard. She then side steps and says: "How terrible!" And shoved her hands in the carrier and places them around Alice's head in an attempt to straighten her up. I was stunned and angry. How dare she touch my baby! She then told me that I wasn't paying very close attention, bragged about her baby could hold its head up and left while I fumed and tried to figure out what to say.

Its been days and it still bothers me.

2) I was at the hospital for Jets 6 month cleft palate clinic. It took a few hours, a lot of which is just waiting. I needed to feed the baby during one of those wait but I didn't feel comfortable doing it out in the waiting room when there were so many kids around. I didn't really fret. There's a breast feeding room in the waiting room with couches and wing back chairs and the like. So I mosey over to the room and open the door to find a woman in there. I smile and move to greet her when...:

"Uh..occupied?" She said in this bitchy voice while turning her body from me. I blink and look at the other vacant chairs as I apologize but I keep moving in with my crying baby.

"OCCUPIED," she yelled. "Close the fucking door."

...so I did and tried to feed the baby in the waiting room while an old man who was there with his teen-aged grandson kept giving me nasty looks.

I sometimes think I'm a door mat. Sometimes my anxiety makes it hard for me to think, you know? I can be the wittiest person you can ever cross that doesn't take shit from anyone...but other times I can hardly string a sentence together.

I just...ugh.
While trying not to sound insensitive, could I suggest perhaps trying an animal with a little bit longer lifespan?
There are two schools of thought on this.
1) You pick a pet with a short lifespan. That way, you don't have enough time to really get into a deep relationship with your pet, so when it dies, you feel sad, but you're not emotionally distraught.
2) You pick a pet with a long lifespan. That way, you don't have to go through the heart-wrenching trauma more than once every 10-20 years or so.

My personal opinion is to get the type of pet(s) that you want. To me, it doesn't matter whether I have one 20yr pet or twenty 1yr pets, I'm going to go through the same amount of grief when the end(s) come.
BUT...if I get a pet with a longer lifespan, I get the chance to really bond, and instead of build relationship to 10/start over/build relationship to 10/start over/build relationship to 10/start over, with a longer-lived pet (even just a cat/dog) I can build that relationship to level 15, 40, or 74, which I feel is worth the pain I get at the inevitable end.



Staff member
I always wanted a Hercules Beetle as a pet, but they live like 7 months after larval stage. That's just too short. :c

Also ever since my dog died about 4 years ago I've had attachment anxiety towards other dogs.