Halforums Movie Nights!

Ah man, I was actually stoked to watch this. I'm never gonna be able to convince anyone I know to watch it with me and I haven't been able to sit through a movie on my own for years.

Sad face.
Ah man, I was actually stoked to watch this. I'm never gonna be able to convince anyone I know to watch it with me and I haven't been able to sit through a movie on my own for years.

Sad face.View attachment 11670
Doomdragon, Shakey, and Patrthom were all interested but had to miss too. There's no reason you couldn't have another movie night with the same movie.
What's easier for people to make, weekday evenings or weekends?

Let's tentatively go for Thursday, 10pm Eastern Daylight time (GMT -4) (9pm Central, 7pm Pacific, 10am Friday Beijing time)
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Ok, here's the official announcement... thingy:
Thursday September 5, Clue, 10pm eastern time (9pm central, 7pm pacific, 10am Friday Beijing)
(1985, 1:34 running time, Netflix streaming, Amazon & Youtube rent $2.99, others)
Shoutbox and vent. If you are going to try to attend, "brofist" this post so we have an idea of who's watching. Get your movie set up to run by the time shown above, simultaneous start will occur on shoutbox between 5-10 minutes after the above time so everyone is synchronized. @Piotyr will be in charge of this one, I can't guarantee I'll be there, but I'll try.
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Ok, here's the official announcement... thingy:

Shoutbox and vent. If you are going to try to attend, "brofist" this post so we have an idea of who's watching. Get your movie set up to run by the time shown above, simultaneous start will occur on shoutbox between 5-10 minutes after the above time so everyone is synchronized. @Piotyr will be in charge of this one, I can't guarantee I'll be there, but I'll try.
Ooh this would be an awesome one for me... Still not sure if I'll have internet though. Will brofist if I'm able...
Watch it at a friend's house. Ask them if you can use their computer during the movie. Surely they'll just go, "Well, this is Chad, so it's not that unusual..."

Or take a laptop with headphones to starbucks. At 10pm. Free wifi at mcdonalds? Too bad the libraries aren't open that late, unless you are at a university...
Watch it at a friend's house. Ask them if you can use their computer during the movie. Surely they'll just go, "Well, this is Chad, so it's not that unusual..."

Or take a laptop with headphones to starbucks. At 10pm. Free wifi at mcdonalds? Too bad the libraries aren't open that late, unless you are at a university...
I happen to work at a university... But my laptop runs netflix very poorly. Lots of constant buffering. Anyway, shouldn't be an issue after all, as I just got a phone call from the internet guy, he's getting it up and running now!
I presume you mean September 5th.

I will endeavor to be there - I might be punch-drunk tired, but I will try to be there. I get off work at 0700, then go back in at 1030.

For folks with Android phones, there is an app called "Mangler" that runs as Ventrilo, with the same server info etc... I've used it for our Cards Against Humanity nights.
Hopefully I will be done with my homework by then. I plan on watching, probably with shoutbox up, but it will be completely contingent on whether or not I finish up here at the library. My grammar professor is assigning us a crapton of homework.

No one is streaming it for free, but it can be rented from a multitude of places for $3. If you buy the blu-ray from Amazon it includes a free 24 hour rental coupon so you can stream it from Amazon upon purchase, and get the blu-ray when it ships later.

Is Thursday going to work for people, or shall we look at other days? I started Thursday as it was convenient for me, but we don't have to stick with it. On the other hand, having a consistent movie night might actually increase participation over time.[DOUBLEPOST=1378776007,1378775783][/DOUBLEPOST]Also, it's number #56 on this venerable list:

There are only 450 movies on there currently. Once per week and we could finish them in a decade!
I don't know if anyone will be interested in joining me, but this Friday the 13th I'm going to get drunk and watch Jason movies, there's a few on Netflix.
If we are going with Big Trouble in Little China, I won't be able to organize it. I've been called out to join family to see a late screening of The Family tomorrow night.