[Question] How tall are you?

Your height?

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I'm 5'11, which bothers me because I spent a good part of my life thinking I was 6'0, which is neater from a numbers perspective.

It affects my life in that people who are 5'10 and shorter do not know how my hair loss is progressing.

I don't suppose I consider my height often. Girls sometimes tell me I'm tall, but, eh. I do have a tall/thin thing going on which can make buying pants tricky.
6'2". I am reach for things stored in high places a lot.

Also, look, a normal distribution! (somewhat skewed by the category ranges, I think)

It's awesome because I can say I'm six feet tall... and I'm also taller than all those guys who are 5'11" and didn't quite make it to 6'-0"

I'm just under 5'10" and reasonably skinny, and this is problematic for two reasons.
-Most things designed for men are apparently designed expecting the man to be 6' (car controls & seats, etc), which means that everything is designed to be almost-but-not-quite at my fingertips.
-Finding pants is hard. If I buy the correct size, then they're cut to fit a 14yr-old boy. If I buy the correct fit, then I have to pull the waist way in or get them hemmed up.

I've been 6'6" since I was 14. I've given myself a concussion twice by standing up into light fixtures over the dining room table. Buying pants is a hassle, buying shirts is damn near impossible (I have a 16.5" collar and a 37" sleeve length). People ask me to reach things a lot.

My wife says she likes it because it makes her feel more normal-sized (she's 5'11").
5'5" with short arms and legs. My brother keeps saying I should contact Guinness World Records about getting in as the world's tallest midget. :mad:
I'm 5'7" and I've never really noticed my height being a factor. No hitting my head on ceilings. I can still reach everything indoors. I'm happy with it. The only time my height affects my life is when people <= my height find out my height. Then they always have to make a big to do about measuring themselves against me. I guess I look shorter than I am...? (probably due to my always slouching) The only time I really ever thought of myself as short was when my date who was about about half an inch shorter than me wore 2 inch heals to prom making me look really tiny in all my prom pics.
I am 6'2" and for the most part it isn't something I think about that often. Although being a bit slender and tall can make it difficult to buy clothes that fit nicely. I would kill for a shirt that doesn't show my belly if I raise my arm half an inch and yet doesn't make me look like I am wearing a tent.
5' 11" and built like Soos from Gravity Falls. It's really hard to find clothes that fit me... shirts need to be one size larger than normal because I have a long torso, while all my pants need to be hemmed because my legs are shorter than normal. This means that it's basically impossible for me to buy off the rack.
5'9. I was 5'10 but then I lost a bit of height, but enough to put me down. It doesn't really effect me, but I miss that extra inch.
Man, I am nearly 6 foot, and I have 29 inch legs. Really long torso, arms and fat. Try finding anything that fits.

I think I must carry more Neanderthal genes than normal.
it makes me daunting to other people when I where heels of any height.

My partner is 6'7" - next to him, I look normal. It's fantastic.
5-foot-3 here, around 163cm. I'm short even by Asian standards.

It's ruined my NBA career.

Also, I have a relatively long torso, with short arms and legs. As a result, I look like Mr. Potato Head.
Spent a lot of my life at 5"11", then I donated some knee and spine material to a few injuries and surgeries and I'm closer to 5"10". Makes more of a difference in the pants-leg length department than you would expect. Still happily able to reach the top shelf though!
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