The Pope resigns

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Yeah, I'm pretty sure I could go my whole life without sex and not want to molest any kids.
It's not because you have willpower that someone else has to, as well. I could go my whole life not having sex if the only option was kids, too. Like I said, I don't mean to "justify" or "lessen" pedophilia. Absolutely not. It's amongst the most heinous crimes I know, and I regularly go on long rants (no, really?) on political fora in Belgium about the ridiculously low punishments some people get away with - anyone who hurts a child deserves to be...well, I'm drawing a blank for the moment, but you get the point.
If you have these urges and can't control them, get help or kill yourself. Don't go molesting kids. Yes, if I had this sort of urgings and I honestly, seriously, couldn't control myself and, for some reason, couldn't get anyone to help me (psychologist, psychiatrist, a priest :troll:, doctor, whatever), and I knew I couldn't control myself anymore? I would kill myself before humping a kid.

As for that picture...I have no idea who or what it is, so the joke's lost on me (though it's about me, so maybe I'm not supposed to get it?)

It is from the show The Venture Brothers. The big guy is a mercenary that is/was a pedo, then he felt liberated when he met the stunted, hydrocephalic 40 year old boy genius. Then he preceded to rape him. Comedy Gold. i.e. It's LEGAL?
It is from the show The Venture Brothers. The big guy is a mercenary that is/was a pedo, then he felt liberated when he met the stunted, hydrocephalic 40 year old boy genius. Then he preceded to rape him. Comedy Gold. i.e. It's LEGAL?
. . . In a later episode when Hatred is locked in the panic room with White to protect him, he says that he just cuddled with Billy all night. /fanboy


Staff member
You know, I get the feeling that Dave doesn't like the pope.
I rather think that organized religion as a whole is corrupt and evil, and the catholics are some of the worst. The damage they've done in the name of their deity is staggering.
I'm disappointed with the choice. I was hoping for some real change, but it seems they've just chosen yet another old arch-conservative. I don't see much New and Improved Church coming from this one. Ah well.
It's the argentinian guy. I read earlier today that he was the more progressive alternative to Ratzinger in the last election so that's good.

EDIT: It was not one of the most expected.


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So... can anyone give us the low-down on what kind of a character Pope Frank I is? I'm kinda worried about him being a Jesuit, but then again today's paper also said he refused to live in the lavish bishop's palace and lived in a condo instead.
He's a hardliner on all the issues the Catholic church needs to reform on. Supposedly more liberal than his predecessor... but really is that saying much?
He's a hardliner on all the issues the Catholic church needs to reform on. Supposedly more liberal than his predecessor... but really is that saying much?
Ratzinger spent most of his time trying to reform the Vatican, mostly unsuccessfully because none of the other bishops would cooperate, including the ones he handpicked for jobs. Even if Francis DOES want to reform, unless he can get the other bishops on board he'll never get anything done, just like Ratzinger.

That's the real problem with the Church's organization: there really aren't many options to enforce policy in the church, aside from excommunication and moving guys around. Considering how the priesthood has been in decline for decades now, neither is really an option anymore.
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