Forum loading very slowly starting around 6/2/23 or so


Staff member
It's not me this time, and I've noticed it too. I'm having a hell of a time tracking it down, but I'd bet dollars to donuts that it's a SQL issue. Every aspect of the site that doesn't require SQL database access is quick and snappy (CPanel/WHM for example) but the forum itself will have fits and spurts of working well then working shitty.

My knowledge of MySQL is extremely rudimentary. I'm having absolutely no luck figuring out what the problem is.


Staff member
Let's hope the module hasn't been corrupted/coopted/infected.

I don't think it has. That vulnerability relies on a port being open to something besides localhost, which would deviate from the default. The only non-default settings we have in our php-fpm seems to be actually special additions disabling most of the commands that would be affected by that vulnerability anyway.
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Dec 1, 2008
Other Fourth Coast, USA
I don't run a server nor do I regularly deal in any flavor of SQL (or even *nix, for that matter), but these kinds of things always get my bloodhound tendencies running and looking for horses and zebras.



Staff member
I tried to edit my above post in order to change it to "multiple times" but two consecutive attempts to edit the post would just stall and time out.

Hmm, I have limited time and ability to test and troubleshoot this morning, but just reading around the threads and replying, I haven't experienced that... makes me think it might not be on the server end.
Dec 1, 2008
Other Fourth Coast, USA
The majority of my current (i.e., since Sun eve) issues have been almost exclusively on mobile, so that may be part of it as well.
Desktop access seems to be no problem, just mobile. But the mobile interface has also had so many other issues with formatting, with the text editor, with plug-ins, etc. so I suppose it shouldn't be that surprising.



Staff member
Nov 26, 2008
I think I’d have to update to a new version but that has its own set of issues with our addons.
Nov 27, 2008
East Texas
If the site is on a server with other sites, it could be some other site on the farm is getting DDOSed. This is common on sites like say, GoDaddy, where there might be hundreds and hundreds of sites on one server. If the traffic isn't coming directly to you, you'd never know the server is under load unless you work at the ISP.
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